Tuesday, September 14, 2010

My First Blog

Wow!  So this is a blog, eh?  I must admit that I have no idea what I'm doing!  I set up an account and gave "my blog" a title almost a month ago and then started to second guess myself.  "Do I really want to start a blog?" (I'm STILL not sure)  "Do I have time to blog?"  (probably not. . . but that's where the title comes in)  Since I have started typing (less than 10 sentences so far, I think), I've already had so many interruptions that I can't even think to list all of them (It would probably be amusing if I did, but then I'd have even more interruptions and never ever ever ever ever post anything!  Again, reference title.  Wait.  Is "Embracing the Chaos" the title of my blog or the name of my blog?  And is "My First Blog" even accurate?  Or do I call it a "post."  I'm so confused!)

Well, today a friend told me that she saved my blog to her "list" (?! what does that even mean !?) and has been waiting for me to write something.  I didn't even know that anyone could see that I had even given my blog a title yet!  I decided that since apparently my blog is already "out there" and at least one person wants to read something, I could at least give one post a try.

So here I am.  Wife to my wonderful husband and mother to four amazing children 6 and under (is this where I am supposed to give them cute little code names????).  I am a daughter, sister and friend.  In life, I love God because He first loved me, and I want that love and my relationship to Him to define me.  I love my husband and kids and want to be the best wife and mother that I can be (by God's amazing grace).  In print (is a blog considered "print"?), I love exclamation points, parenthesis, and ellipsis, so get over it if it's annoying to you already. :-)  Oh!  And I love smiley faces but have tried to keep myself from overwhelming my first post with them.

I've now had numerous other interruptions.   A broken train.  A request a watch a movie in bed.  A baby crying and needing a pacifier.  My netbook needing to be plugged in.  (I DO have a nickname for her, by the way.  Meet "Nettie."  I love her!  She is my friend. :-)  My posts - if there are any more - will almost always come from her keys.) Checking on a child in the bathroom only to discover that the toilet won't flush properly.  Attending the crying baby again.  The toilet needing to be plunged.  Feeding the baby.  Banishing two children to their beds.  (So I might actually get to finish this post - it is a "post," right?)  Getting a lesson in Bakugons. Helping another child in the bathroom. . . etc. etc. etc.  Wow!  So many more "interruptions!"  I guess, really, this blog is an interruption and everything else is stuff I'm supposed to be doing.

These are just some of the things that fill up my days.  And this is why I seek every day to "embrace the chaos". :)

If you have any suggestions or tips for writing and keeping up with a blog, feel free to share!

And there you have it folks!  My first blog post.  Be appeased, Kathy!  It only took me a little over 2 hours!  And thanks for spurring me on to actually write something here.

1 comment:

  1. This was a great post! You need to write again! Try posting (writing):) after the kiddos are in bed.:) You can share about your day, funny things the kids said or did, or things you are learning as a Christian wife and mom! You have a full life! You have lots to write about! Lots I would love to hear about! I miss you! Just use your blog as a journal. You will love looking back on it, too!
